Essential Mascara
This brand will send you a refill if you hold onto the wand (or you can buy another wand, too!). Very conscious packaging

Limitless Lash Mascara
Ilia did a Lifecycle Assessment (LCA for those who want to sound cool) and their mono-material tube reduces carbon emissions by 48% and waste by up to 20% compared to another material

Levitation Lash
Won Cosmopolitan's 2024 Holy Grail Beauty Award for Best Lengthening Mascara, this uses 94% post-consumer recycled packaging and uses a bio-fiber brush made from castor plant-derived polymers.

Peptide Lengthening Mascara
This company is serious about mascara and you can get new refills, saving as much as 50% of plastic waste

Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara
Truly the best mascara Lizzie has ever tried (and she's gone through a LOT), this tubing mascara looks phenomenal, and your purchase goes towards supporting work in cancer, domestic abuse, homelesssness & poverty, and so much more.

The Mascara
Low waste, glass vial, refillable. Need we say more?
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